Critical Subjects - What is critical thinking?
14.07.2014 – ARUP Associates, London
Part of the Critical Subjects summer school series of debates, lectures and
panel discussions.
Steve Webb
- All architecture is engineering. That fact is inescapable.
- after we got over the shock factor of what engineering can do (eg: bridges,
towers) the engineer has become more of a statistics accountant.
- Recently there has been a communion of architecture and engineering in
high-tech, even though it quickly turned into ornament.
- It is a good idea to bring together architecture and engineering, allowing
us to be more efficient, do things for more people with less money, to bring
more logic into design.
- “What irks me about architecture is decoration. Why do we have all this
stuff? Why can’t we make structure beautiful too?”
- Engineers are, typically, inarticulate and uncreative.
David Marks
- Perhaps because there is so much architecture with a small a, and o much
engineering with a small e, that we should concentrate on the good stuff
John Roycroft
- Architecture and engineering are a mindset. Good architecture is when there
is a success of all disciplines involved.