Critical Subjects - What is critical thinking?
14.07.2014 – ARUP Associates, London
Part of the Critical Subjects summer school series of debates, lectures and panel discussions.
Dennis Hayes
- In the philosophy of education, critical thinking is “the ability to engage
in deep conversation”
- There are, generally, three misconceptions about critical thinking:
- The misconception that critical thinking is a skill. Training is not
critical thinking.
- The misconception that “critical something” is critical. It is an
indoctrination, for example critical architecture is that which shows an
- The misconception that critical is cynical.
- Best definition of criticism: a disinterested endevour to learnd and
propagate the best that is known in the world.
- Criticism has become mainstream with the loss of actual crises. Instead we
manufacture our own “philosophies” through being theraputically self
- The whole idea of descussion and debate has become very safe and
Steve Parnell
- No monument has ever been erected to a critic
- Criticism is putting something into a state of crisis and seeing to which
side of theknife edge things fall.